A Proven Expertise

We will never let you down. We provide highly trained and professional officers. With 24/7 support we strive to meet our customers needs and demands.

To protect, defend and secure

Our Passion, Our Vision.

GRS will always go above and beyond your expectations. Our service model is to always push forward. With extensive training above the state requirements, we have to tools, staff, and ambition to protect, defend, and secure all and any need you may have.


Our Services

Clients who require more information than what a background check or regular investigation can provide, can schedule a polygraph examination, or lie detector test.


Security consulting is a necessary step that we take prior to offering a security solution for your home or business. During the security consultation, we assess your risk and do a full inventory.


High-tech cameras and security systems cannot replace the human element that business security companies can provide. You can feel confident that the issue will be treated professionally  by our team.

Commercial Security

Communities throughout the country have recognized the increased need for security protection and crime prevention. Have you taken the necessary steps to protect what matters?

Residential Security

VIP protection and personal security services have become more necessary than ever before. With the increased risks across the world, it is critical that individuals and businesses take security seriously.

Executive Protection

The National Insurance Crime Bureau estimate that the total value of stolen equipment in 2016 was nearing $300 million. The rate of recovery for heavy equipment is only about 20%.

Construction Security